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All Wedding Services available in België

Wedding House and Concept (Gowns & Fashion: Boutiques)
Rue Roblet 2, Nivelles
Tel: 067-443365
Westlimousine (Limousines & Carriages)
Rozestraat 41, Passendale
Tel: 0472-207220
WPC - The Loft (Reception: Wedding Venues & Halls)
Industrielaan 32, Hoeselt
Tel: 089-519999 Toll Free: 0475-219195
Xantippe (Beauty: Hair & Makeup)
Oostendse Steenweg 73, Brugge
Tel: 050-313564
Yann (Jewellery)
F. Laurentplein 47, Gent
Tel: 09-2336093
Zilte Zoen (Reception: Wedding Venues & Halls)
Nieuwesteenweg 60, Elversele
Tel: 052-226400
Zonnewende (Gift & Registries)
Bellegemsestraat 81, Bellegem
Tel: 056-221409